In the "Adding a Client" article, we showed how the process is simple for the therapist. This article, details the steps in the process for the caregiver of the client.
Caregiver Step 1: Once the client has been added, the caregiver receives an email, welcoming them to your practice and an invitation to create an account on the client portal.
Caregiver Step 2: After clicking the "Create Account" button, the caregiver is presented with a form to complete, which allows them to create an account on the secure portal.
**On this step, the caregiver must capture the user name, so they can complete the sign-in process**
Caregiver Step 3: Once logged into the portal, the caregiver may complete the intake form. Once the form is completed and submitted, the information is automatically available for the therapist in Nota.
You can see a sample intake form by logging in with the following username and password.
clicking the Create Account button, the caregiver can create an account with the form shown below.

- It’s important that they capture the username as they will need this in the future to log into the portal. Once they create an account, they will then have access to the Intake form.

A sample intake form can be found by logging in with the following username and password.
- URL:
- username:
- password: pwpw